Well, whatever splint had last week must have moved west. This morning I had to wheeze through my workout... I still met my goals for the day, but I was having a harder time than normal. Splint said something about sitting in a steam-room to help with a cold, I sat in one for about 15 min, and was feeling a little more decongested, good call splint. Then I jumped in a cold shower because I'm a jerk and I wanted to shock my body (and I remember reading somewhere that exposure to cold can boost fat burning). I am also taking Zicam (the dissolveable tablet, in case you're worried about losing your sense of smell... who needs that anyways ^_^) and Airborne (basically a mega-dose of vitamins, I may keep taking it after I'm sick just as a multi-vitamin, its kind of fun because you put the tablet in your mouth and it foams in your mouth... I'm easily amused :D)
well, I've got my mom and dad on the warrior diet now, and I didn't even pester them, they just asked me about it because they've been able to see the change in me over the past month, having more energy, losing fat, and eating better.
5 reps deadlift 190lbs
5 reps deadlift 185lbs
5 reps bench 135lbs
5 reps bench 130lbs
5 reps pull ups assisted with 5 plates (however much they weigh...)
5 reps pull ups 6 plates
Didn't do any boxing because I decided to sit in the steam room, glad I did.