Not a whole lot to say that hasn't already been said... I tried the warrior diet a month ago, the guys at work thought I'd only last a week or so. I'm still doing it. From now on I'm not going to count the days, I'll just keep updating my fitness progress, that's the main purpose of this blog, for me to keep a journal of my fitness over time. I plan on going to school for nutrition, so maybe some day when I have enough expirence I can write a book about my exploites.
In my opinion, the warrior diet works. To clear up any confusion as what I mean by "work" you have to define what you want out of a diet. If you want imediete fat lose, in the shortest possible time, with little or no work, then this diet is not for you. The warrior diet is more of a lifestyle than a diet. It still embraces the fundimentals that most people want to cheat, if you want to be as healthy as posilbe, you must eat good quality food and exercise. By good quality I'm talking about, fresh fruit/veggies, meat, and whole grains. I think that it would be very easy, and benificial to eliminate corn syrup from your diet. People talk about the evils of sugar, then corn syrup is the worst kind of sugar, I don't mind eating some dark chocolate, or bread, or cookies, but as soon as I have some pop, or candy, or anything like that I feel like crap.
So if you are looking for a way to be more healthy, then this is a great tool to teach you how to eat what is good.