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"What does a warrior eat?". That may sound a bit silly in this time and age, but the question still applies. Nowadays when people think "warrior" they probably think of athletic icons, people they see on television, the gym rat who is always at the gym, and a whole slew of other images of "warrior" that bombard us each and every day. While it may be true that those people are at the peak of athletic excellence, they are often the most un-healthy people out there. Between all the chemicals they put into their bodies, and the nutritionally shallow foods most of them eat, they are really not the ones we should look to for a model of how a warrior eats.

A warrior only eats things that are natural, whole, and nutrient dense. Lots of fruits and vegetables, plenty of plant based fats and protein, moderate amounts of lean animal protein, and water. In short, a warrior only eats things that will help him to be more healthy, and not things that will passively kill him.

This page of my blog is dedicated to articles reviewing diet books, warrior worthy food ideas, and my ideas on diet.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Ok, I've been doing this powerlifting thing for the past 8 weeks or so... its working great actually, I've seen my strength go up, and my fat go down, the only thing is... its boring! Deadlift, bench press, pull-ups, every single day. So, it's time for something I never get tired of... boxing. I play softball on Mondays and Thursdays, and in the morning Monday through Friday I go to the Y before work and train. I have time to do 4 rounds of shadow-boxing, 6 rounds of heavy bag, 6 rounds of speed-bag, 15 min on the jump rope, then I superset push-ups/pull-ups/tricep dips.

Since I'm working my muscles more than when I was powerlifting I am feeling the pain in the mornings again (especially after a softball night) So I'm back on the protein, I have one scoop with soy milk right after I work out, and a protein bar about an hour or so after the shake, then I eat my normal fruits throughout the day. After a softball game I'll have a scoop before bed so I can get up in the morning (I swear, it helps). I've been drinking coffee in the morning while I work out since I've heard mixed reviews about it, but I'm going to try and cut back.

I just got back from camping for a week... and I gained about 2 lbs :P I'm back though, shouldn't take too long to get back down to my old weight.

I hope I can get some people to go to the Y in the morning with me so I can train with people... non of the gyms around here have training classes in the morning. (I'd really like to train down at the community center downtown again... some good guys to spar with down there)

Oh well, that's what's happening in my fitness life right now.