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"What does a warrior eat?". That may sound a bit silly in this time and age, but the question still applies. Nowadays when people think "warrior" they probably think of athletic icons, people they see on television, the gym rat who is always at the gym, and a whole slew of other images of "warrior" that bombard us each and every day. While it may be true that those people are at the peak of athletic excellence, they are often the most un-healthy people out there. Between all the chemicals they put into their bodies, and the nutritionally shallow foods most of them eat, they are really not the ones we should look to for a model of how a warrior eats.

A warrior only eats things that are natural, whole, and nutrient dense. Lots of fruits and vegetables, plenty of plant based fats and protein, moderate amounts of lean animal protein, and water. In short, a warrior only eats things that will help him to be more healthy, and not things that will passively kill him.

This page of my blog is dedicated to articles reviewing diet books, warrior worthy food ideas, and my ideas on diet.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Time to start the next phase of my evil plan

I've been doing pretty good with my diet plan as far as only eating fruit and vegetables durring the day (sometime's I'll eat a salad with grilled chicken on it for lunch, without the dressing or croutons). And for my main meal's I've been pretty good about mixing it up as far as mostly carbs for one night, mostly protein for another night. For this last 30 days I was trying the warrior diet I made it for about 20 days without having pop, then I kind of fell apart. As far as eating dessert and drinking pop go, I still stuck to the intermitant fasting though.

I'm making another adjustment to my diet, since the last one was too structured for me to stick to (no sweets, no pop) I'm going to allow myself to have dessert every once in a while (not every night) but I'm not letting myself have pop again. I am really trying to quite drinking pop all together. I'm going to push for 30 days of no pop again, then we'll see. I find the less I drink of it, the less it apeals to me, which is good. The main thing I like about pop is the fizzy part of the carbination, I may start drinking those sparkling fruit juices every once in a while instead of pop after this 30 days. The main thing I'm changing about my diet, how much I eat at one time. I've gotten in the habit of gourging myself at dinner with the mindset "This is all I'll have to get me through to the next meal" while this thought process may have worked for the cave-men (anyone who's seen 10,000BC can tell you :D) I don't belive it to be particularly healthy. I think my digestive system probably has trouble keeping up with the bombardment of food at one time. I am going to concentrate on eating until I'm full, but not stuffed for this next month. I can eat all the fruits and veggies I want durring the day, so it's not like I'm going to go hungry.

Anyways, lets call this day 1 of my diet restructure.

I'm still doing my boxing training in the mornings, here's a workout so you can see what I'm talking about (I do 2 minute rounds)

6 rounds heavy bag
6 rounds speed bag
2 rounds of stepping up and down off of a block real quick... (it's hard to explain, works out your calves)
2 rounds of squating and jumping up onto the block into a squat, then jumping back down into a squat (kills your thighs)
then I do some body weight stuff...
2 sets of 5 towel pull-up's
2 sets of 20 push-up's
2 sets of 20 dips