Summer is finally over. Softball is done. I'm back to my normal routine... at least that's the plan anyways.
Over the last few weekends I've been working on my house with my father. We're turning our old plaster ceiling into a new dry-wall-vaulted-ceiling. Anyways, the reason I'm telling you this completely off-topic subject is because when I'm working construction with my dad, everything goes down the drain. I have very little water, a ton of pop, and eat junk food through the day. Yep... I've trashed my body over these last few weekends. And since I've been working hard on the weekends (enough to be sore anyways) I haven't felt very motivated to work out through the week. I've only actually gone to the Y 3 times a week for the last couple weeks. I haven't gotten on the scale because I know it's gonna be ugly.
So basically I need to get back into the swing of eating warrior style. Only fruits and vegetables through the day. Eating a snack at 3 or 4, then a large meal for dinner.
I've been kicking around the idea of weight lifting again. Just to change my shape a little bit for the heck of it. But I plan on sticking to the boxing routine, maybe checking out a MMA dojo they have down on the campus. We'll see.
I read something about the ABS diet, had some interesting points. It looks like a carb restriction diet though... I may get the book from the library to check it out though.