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"What does a warrior eat?". That may sound a bit silly in this time and age, but the question still applies. Nowadays when people think "warrior" they probably think of athletic icons, people they see on television, the gym rat who is always at the gym, and a whole slew of other images of "warrior" that bombard us each and every day. While it may be true that those people are at the peak of athletic excellence, they are often the most un-healthy people out there. Between all the chemicals they put into their bodies, and the nutritionally shallow foods most of them eat, they are really not the ones we should look to for a model of how a warrior eats.

A warrior only eats things that are natural, whole, and nutrient dense. Lots of fruits and vegetables, plenty of plant based fats and protein, moderate amounts of lean animal protein, and water. In short, a warrior only eats things that will help him to be more healthy, and not things that will passively kill him.

This page of my blog is dedicated to articles reviewing diet books, warrior worthy food ideas, and my ideas on diet.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 10

I had forgotten how hard this is... not the diet, but training for a fight. I've been doing well on my diet, really haven't had any cravings for pop in the past few days and I feel better through out the day, so it seems like I'm getting used to hunger again.

Over the weekend I deviated from my plan a little bit by eating lunch on Saturday and Sunday. I don't think eating lunch every once in a while is going to ruin my diet, since for those evenings I ate far less due to eating lunch, and I still held to the no sweets plan.

Last night I had to eat before my MMA class, since it starts at 7 instead of 6 now and I don't want to eat at 9 o'clock after class... anyways I had a bowl of oatmeal last night, and I didn't feel like throwing up, which is good, but my overall energy level was low. It may partially be due to the fact that I'm working out in the mornings as well as going to my class in the evenings on tues and thurs, but I was dog tired at my class, and was not able to complete the workout with the intensity that I would have liked. On the flip side when I went to the gym this morning I was still sore from the previous days work, and lacked the motivation to push myself like usual. It's only wednsday, and I have another class tomorrow, but I feel like I may be on the verge of over-working myself. I think part of the problem may be my diet. I'm reading a book that indicates excessive protein intake can lead to cancer, heart disease, etc. So this week I've had very little protein in my meals, and no supplimentation. Tonight I'm having beef quesadillas for dinner :) so we'll see how I feel in the morning. I need to find a happy medium, where I can eat right, and still push myself to work hard, or else I'll get burned out.